Sometimes we make videos on TikTok to share it on our social media accounts so that we can get more likes and views. After uploading the video on your TikTok account, you can share your TikTok video to Facebook by following the steps mentioned below.
•    Find the TikTok video you wish to share to Facebook.
•    Go through the feed, find the hashtag, and select the sound and many other things.
•    Press on the triple dots symbol.
•    Otherwise, click on the arrow.
•    Select in which way to wish to share your TikTok video to Facebook.
•    Sign in to the account associated with Facebook in case it is compulsory.
•    Once you have signed in to the Facebook account, your TikTok video will be sent to the Facebook feed.
Steps to Share Your TikTok Profile to Facebook
•    Open the TikTok application on the iOS device.
•    Press on the Profile symbol. It resembles a silhouette symbol given at the end right-hand side of the display.
•    Now, the menu list of all the saved video will start showing on your display.
•    Press on the three horizontal dots symbol at the upper right-hand side of the TikTok profile.
•    You have to click on the share button given on the end right-hand side of the TikTok videos provided in the menu list.
•    Press on the Share Profile option.
•    Choose any sharing method for the TikTok profile by selecting the email, messaging app, or any other social media applications given on the menu list.
•    For this procedure, you have to select the Facebook application.
•    After selecting the sharing method, you will get a new message and post in the chosen application.
•    Sign in to the Facebook account in case it is compulsory.
•    Now, the TikTok profile will start showing in the Facebook post.
•    The person who has an account on TikTok can click on the Follow button on the Facebook post and become a follower of the TikTok account.
Steps to Save the TikTok Videos
•    Open the TikTok application on your iPhone or Android home screen.
•    Find the video which you wish to save
•    Tap on the Share option given on the right-hand corner of the menu list.
•    Select the Save Video option located in the second section of the options.
Steps to Save the TikTok Videos on iPhone and Android Without a Watermark
•    Find the Settings option in the menu list located at the end of the display.
•    After finding it, press on the Settings option.
•    Enable the Recording overlay and Screenshot Overlay options.
•    Select the Portrait option to complete the recording successfully.
•    Press on the Camera symbol if you wish to capture a screenshot.
•    Press on the Overlay symbol to enlarge the recording window to get the various options on your display.
•    This window will show the Hide Menu, Pause, Stop, and Add Image symbols.
•    After completing the recording, you will get the recorded video in the ApowerREC folder.
•    You can share your TikTok video to Facebook directly.
Steps to Save the TikTok Videos on Computer
•    Go to the official site through the default browser.
•    Find the video you wish to save and copy the video link.
•    Open a new tab in the default browser.
•    Now, paste the copied video link in the text field.
•    Press on the Enter option.
•    You need to copy a new link and paste the copied link in the Musically Down link field.
•    Press on the Download button to confirm.
 Source By : webroot support
